251 research outputs found

    A Dilated Inception Network for Visual Saliency Prediction

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    Recently, with the advent of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN), the improvements in visual saliency prediction research are impressive. One possible direction to approach the next improvement is to fully characterize the multi-scale saliency-influential factors with a computationally-friendly module in DCNN architectures. In this work, we proposed an end-to-end dilated inception network (DINet) for visual saliency prediction. It captures multi-scale contextual features effectively with very limited extra parameters. Instead of utilizing parallel standard convolutions with different kernel sizes as the existing inception module, our proposed dilated inception module (DIM) uses parallel dilated convolutions with different dilation rates which can significantly reduce the computation load while enriching the diversity of receptive fields in feature maps. Moreover, the performance of our saliency model is further improved by using a set of linear normalization-based probability distribution distance metrics as loss functions. As such, we can formulate saliency prediction as a probability distribution prediction task for global saliency inference instead of a typical pixel-wise regression problem. Experimental results on several challenging saliency benchmark datasets demonstrate that our DINet with proposed loss functions can achieve state-of-the-art performance with shorter inference time.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. The source codes are available at https://github.com/ysyscool/DINe

    Towards Robust Curve Text Detection with Conditional Spatial Expansion

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    It is challenging to detect curve texts due to their irregular shapes and varying sizes. In this paper, we first investigate the deficiency of the existing curve detection methods and then propose a novel Conditional Spatial Expansion (CSE) mechanism to improve the performance of curve text detection. Instead of regarding the curve text detection as a polygon regression or a segmentation problem, we treat it as a region expansion process. Our CSE starts with a seed arbitrarily initialized within a text region and progressively merges neighborhood regions based on the extracted local features by a CNN and contextual information of merged regions. The CSE is highly parameterized and can be seamlessly integrated into existing object detection frameworks. Enhanced by the data-dependent CSE mechanism, our curve text detection system provides robust instance-level text region extraction with minimal post-processing. The analysis experiment shows that our CSE can handle texts with various shapes, sizes, and orientations, and can effectively suppress the false-positives coming from text-like textures or unexpected texts included in the same RoI. Compared with the existing curve text detection algorithms, our method is more robust and enjoys a simpler processing flow. It also creates a new state-of-art performance on curve text benchmarks with F-score of up to 78.4%\%.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019

    SelfReformer: Self-Refined Network with Transformer for Salient Object Detection

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    The global and local contexts significantly contribute to the integrity of predictions in Salient Object Detection (SOD). Unfortunately, existing methods still struggle to generate complete predictions with fine details. There are two major problems in conventional approaches: first, for global context, high-level CNN-based encoder features cannot effectively catch long-range dependencies, resulting in incomplete predictions. Second, downsampling the ground truth to fit the size of predictions will introduce inaccuracy as the ground truth details are lost during interpolation or pooling. Thus, in this work, we developed a Transformer-based network and framed a supervised task for a branch to learn the global context information explicitly. Besides, we adopt Pixel Shuffle from Super-Resolution (SR) to reshape the predictions back to the size of ground truth instead of the reverse. Thus details in the ground truth are untouched. In addition, we developed a two-stage Context Refinement Module (CRM) to fuse global context and automatically locate and refine the local details in the predictions. The proposed network can guide and correct itself based on the global and local context generated, thus is named, Self-Refined Transformer (SelfReformer). Extensive experiments and evaluation results on five benchmark datasets demonstrate the outstanding performance of the network, and we achieved the state-of-the-art

    KSS-ICP: Point Cloud Registration based on Kendall Shape Space

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    Point cloud registration is a popular topic which has been widely used in 3D model reconstruction, location, and retrieval. In this paper, we propose a new registration method, KSS-ICP, to address the rigid registration task in Kendall shape space (KSS) with Iterative Closest Point (ICP). The KSS is a quotient space that removes influences of translations, scales, and rotations for shape feature-based analysis. Such influences can be concluded as the similarity transformations that do not change the shape feature. The point cloud representation in KSS is invariant to similarity transformations. We utilize such property to design the KSS-ICP for point cloud registration. To tackle the difficulty to achieve the KSS representation in general, the proposed KSS-ICP formulates a practical solution that does not require complex feature analysis, data training, and optimization. With a simple implementation, KSS-ICP achieves more accurate registration from point clouds. It is robust to similarity transformation, non-uniform density, noise, and defective parts. Experiments show that KSS-ICP has better performance than the state of the art.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure

    An Iterative Co-Saliency Framework for RGBD Images

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    As a newly emerging and significant topic in computer vision community, co-saliency detection aims at discovering the common salient objects in multiple related images. The existing methods often generate the co-saliency map through a direct forward pipeline which is based on the designed cues or initialization, but lack the refinement-cycle scheme. Moreover, they mainly focus on RGB image and ignore the depth information for RGBD images. In this paper, we propose an iterative RGBD co-saliency framework, which utilizes the existing single saliency maps as the initialization, and generates the final RGBD cosaliency map by using a refinement-cycle model. Three schemes are employed in the proposed RGBD co-saliency framework, which include the addition scheme, deletion scheme, and iteration scheme. The addition scheme is used to highlight the salient regions based on intra-image depth propagation and saliency propagation, while the deletion scheme filters the saliency regions and removes the non-common salient regions based on interimage constraint. The iteration scheme is proposed to obtain more homogeneous and consistent co-saliency map. Furthermore, a novel descriptor, named depth shape prior, is proposed in the addition scheme to introduce the depth information to enhance identification of co-salient objects. The proposed method can effectively exploit any existing 2D saliency model to work well in RGBD co-saliency scenarios. The experiments on two RGBD cosaliency datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017. Project URL: https://rmcong.github.io/proj_RGBD_cosal_tcyb.htm

    Blind Multimodal Quality Assessment of Low-light Images

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    Blind image quality assessment (BIQA) aims at automatically and accurately forecasting objective scores for visual signals, which has been widely used to monitor product and service quality in low-light applications, covering smartphone photography, video surveillance, autonomous driving, etc. Recent developments in this field are dominated by unimodal solutions inconsistent with human subjective rating patterns, where human visual perception is simultaneously reflected by multiple sensory information. In this article, we present a unique blind multimodal quality assessment (BMQA) of low-light images from subjective evaluation to objective score. To investigate the multimodal mechanism, we first establish a multimodal low-light image quality (MLIQ) database with authentic low-light distortions, containing image-text modality pairs. Further, we specially design the key modules of BMQA, considering multimodal quality representation, latent feature alignment and fusion, and hybrid self-supervised and supervised learning. Extensive experiments show that our BMQA yields state-of-the-art accuracy on the proposed MLIQ benchmark database. In particular, we also build an independent single-image modality Dark-4K database, which is used to verify its applicability and generalization performance in mainstream unimodal applications. Qualitative and quantitative results on Dark-4K show that BMQA achieves superior performance to existing BIQA approaches as long as a pre-trained model is provided to generate text description. The proposed framework and two databases as well as the collected BIQA methods and evaluation metrics are made publicly available on here.Comment: 15 page
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